Van Duyn Home and Hospital
Van Duyn Home and Hospital

5075 W. Seneca Turnpike
Syracuse, N.Y. 13215
(315) 435-5511

Van Duyn Home and Hospital is a county-owned skilled nursing facility offering a range of inpatient programs tailored to meet an individual's unique needs. These services include both short term rehabilitative care for people recovering from an illness or surgery and long term care for people with more complex health conditions who need ongoing support.

The building is spacious, well maintained and fully equipped with a fire safety and sprinkler system.

Amenities include an onsite beauty and barber shop, library, and gift shop. The attractive rooms are complete with bathroom facilities, a call bell system and cable television access. Private telephone service is optional.

The mission of Van Duyn Home and Hospital is to provide its residents with the highest quality care in a comfortable and caring environment, responsive to their medical and social needs, potential and lifestyle, and to maximize the quality of life of each resident.

Van Duyn staff are caring professionals committed to the care of our residents. We have a low turnover rate compared to the industry average.

Under the supervision of Van Duyn’s medical director, a team of physicians cares for residents. A physician is assigned to each nursing unit to assure continuity of care.

Registered professional nurses, assisted by well trained and qualified licensed practical nurses and nursing assistants, provide 24-hour care. Nurse practitioners are also on site each day to support the nursing and medical teams.


Skilled Nursing

Van Duyn is a fully certified residential skilled nursing facility, providing long term care to individuals with health conditions that require higher levels of medical and nursing care.

Under the supervision of Van Duyn’s medical director, a team of physicians cares for residents. A physician is assigned to each nursing unit to assure continuity of care. Consultant physicians in the areas of dermatology, podiatry, urology, ophthalmology, neurology, dentistry, surgical and ENT are available to this qualified medical staff. Lab and x-ray services are provided, as needed.

Registered professional nurses, assisted by well trained and qualified licensed practical nurses and nursing assistants, provide 24-hour care. Nurse practitioners are also on site each day to support the nursing and medical teams.

Dementia Care

Van Duyn offers special programming for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. A day program for residents with these disorders has been specifically designed as a safe and understanding environment to support the residential care.


Van Duyn can provide from one to three months of comprehensive inpatient rehabilitative therapy following surgery or debilitating illness.

Taking into consideration the age and frailty of patients, individualized programs let patients work at their own pace, enabling them to reach their full physical potential. The program features physical, occupational, and speech therapies delivered by multidisciplinary teams of medical, rehabilitative and nursing specialists.

Other Available Services

Rehabilitation Therapies: Physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech/language therapy and are all available according to resident need.

Social Work: To support the health care services, a social worker is assigned to each resident.

Nutrition: Nutritional services are an active part of a resident’s care.

Transportation: Van Duyn provides residents with transportation to medical appointments as well as social and activity outings in the community.

Pastoral Care: Pastoral care is available as are regularly scheduled church services.

Social and Leisure Time Activities: A full schedule of leisure time activities is available and matched to residents’ interests and abilities.

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