Alice Hyde Nursing Home
Alice Hyde Nursing Home

Alice Hyde Medical Center
133 Park Street
Malone, NY 12953
phone: 518-483-3000

Located on the Malone campus, the Alice Hyde Nursing Home is a 75-bed skilled nursing facility that offers short-term and long-term care for people in need.

The Alice Hyde Nursing Home offers 24-hour a day nursing services and a full range of rehabilitation services in a caring, home-like atmosphere designed to meet the physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs of each resident.

Each resident has their own room or share a room with one other person.We understand that families are an important part of residents’ lives and welcome the participation and involvement of families in daily recreational activities including religious services, shopping services, live entertainment, games, music, movies, and parties.

Nursing home residents have access to the following services:

- Active Resident Council
- Busy and Creative Activity Department
- Consulting Dietician
- Shopping Services
- Dental Services
- Social Work Services
- Nutritional Services
- Occupational Therapy
- Physical Therapy
- IV Therapy
- We take great pride in creating a true home for our residents, family, and friends.

For further information, call 481-2224.

Copyright ©2008 Alice Hyde
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