Absolut Care of Houghton
Absolut Care of Houghton

9876 Luckey Drive
Houghton, NY 14744
(585) 567-2207

Absolut Care of Houghton is a 100 bed facility located in rural Allegany County in the town of Houghton. It is 14 miles from Letchworth State Park, and is located at 9876 Luckey Drive at the crest of the hill overlooking Houghton College. We provide short term and long-term rehabilitation care and hospice services. Seven-day rehabilitation services are provided, including physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and anodyne therapy, for management of pain and wound healing. Short-term rehabilitation private rooms are provided with TV and phone services.

The proximity of Houghton College and Houghton Academy has provided us with large numbers of volunteers. Our social calendar is filled with outings to shop, restaurants, games, and community functions.

Our staff is well trained and our Department of Health Survey has been excellent. Come visit us and tour the facility with our Social Service Department.

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